Calculate your BMI for free
BMI calculator
BMI calculator: the BMI (body mass index) helps you to correctly assess your body weight.
It was first mentioned by Adolphe Quetelet in 1832 and further developed by Ignaz Kaup after the First World War.
Here you can easily calculate your BMI for free, categorise it in the table and get tips on how you can influence your weight through sport and nutrition.
Kategorie | BMI (kg/m²) | Körpergewicht |
starkes Untergewicht | 16,0 | Untergewicht |
Mäßiges Untergewicht | 16,0 - 17,0 | Untergewicht |
Leichtes Untergewicht | 17,0 - 18,5 | Untergewicht |
Normalgewicht | 18,5 - 24,9 | Normalgewicht |
Präadipositas | 25,0 - 29,9 | Übergewicht |
Adipositas Grad I | 30,0 - 34,9 | Adipositas |
Adipositas Grad II | 35,0 - 39,9 | Adipositas |
Adipositas Grad III | ≥ 40 | Adipositas |

Calculate your body mass index
The World Health Organization (WHO) later classified the BMI values. Thus, underweight, normal weight and overweight (obesity) indicate BMI values from under 17.5 to 39 and over.
We all know that it is not always easy to assess your own weight correctly. The BMI value is intended as a guide. At Verival, we are breakfast fans and we are convinced that porridge for breakfast will help you optimise your BMI.
Below you will find all the information you need about body mass index (BMI), what it means exactly and how you can improve your well-being and achieve your ideal weight through healthy eating and exercise.
Is my BMI within the normal range? Am I underweight, at a healthy weight or overweight (obese)? Am I too fat or too thin? This tool for men and women tells you quickly and free of charge what your weight-to-height ratio is. Try it out and calculate your BMI!
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What is the BMI?
The BMI is used as a measure for evaluating a person's body weight in relation to their height.
The BMI calculator simply calculates your BMI value. However, factors such as your metabolism, body composition, muscle mass or diet are not taken into account.
This is how you can easily calculate your BMI for free: Select your gender and enter your height in centimetres (cm) and your weight in kilograms (kg).
Then click on Calculate BMI and you will get your body mass index (BMI) from the formula. You can then compare your result with the BMI table.
How do you calculate the BMI?
Weight – height and gender
Calculate BMI – In principle, BMI is calculated using a simple formula: BMI = body weight in kilograms (kg) divided by height in metres squared (squared height).
The result of the BMI formula quickly shows you whether your weight is in the green zone or whether you should lose a few kilos. However, it is important to note that the individual composition of body mass, consisting of water, fat and muscle tissue, is not taken into account in the BMI formula.
Nevertheless, the BMI calculator or BMI value can serve as a rough initial guide to categorising your body weight in kilograms (kg). Based on your BMI (body mass index), you can set new nutrition and health goals to achieve your personal ideal weight.
BMI table: BMI and gender
In addition to weight and height, gender also plays an important role in the evaluation of your BMI (body mass index). Men usually have a higher proportion of muscle mass than women. That is why there are gender-specific BMI tables (BMI women and BMI men), which are not taken into account in the formula and when calculating.
In relation to normal weight, the value for men is between 18.5 and 24.9. For women, it is between 17.5 and 24. The limits are therefore shifted by one unit in each case for the calculator.
BMI Tabelle Frau
BMI Tabelle Mann
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Calculate BMI – this is what it tells you:
You calculated your BMI using a calculator? Above you will find a compact overview (for adults over 20 years of age) for evaluating your body mass index according to the World Health Organization (WHO).(1)
In addition to weight, age and gender play an important role in calculating the BMI. The value classes are slightly higher for men than for women, since men generally have a higher proportion of muscle mass. Therefore, the normal BMI range for men is between 20 and 25 kg/m2 and for women between 19 and 24 kg/m2.
For seniors, the BMI value can be slightly higher. The reason for this is that small fat reserves can be an advantage for those who have been ill for a long time. Therefore, a result of up to 29 kg/m2 is still a normal value from the age of 65. So it's okay to gain a little weight with age.
In summary: the older you get, the higher the optimal BMI values become.
BMI calculator for children
Important: Different reference values apply when calculating BMI for children and adolescents, as they are still growing. They should therefore never be compared or calculated using the BMI for adults. In children, BMI values are generally only a rough guide; a separate formula should be used instead.
Children of the same age also differ in height, as the growth spurts occur at different times. Therefore, the paediatrician should always be consulted to assess a child's weight.
In principle, the BMI table is divided into underweight, normal weight, overweight and obesity (obesity). Below you will find the results from the calculator in detail.
Underweight according to BMI table
Is your body weight in kilograms (kg) too low in relation to your height? Being underweight can have other causes besides insufficient nutrient intake. In the short term, you can make sure you eat a healthy and sufficient diet. In the long term, we recommend visiting a doctor you trust.
Normal weight according to BMI table
Congratulations, you have done a few things right – the BMI calculator shows you a great result! Make sure to maintain your weight in this range through a balanced diet and exercise.
Overweight according to BMI table
The following applies in principle: not all types of excess weight are the same, and they are certainly not all equally unhealthy. Even very fit people with a high muscle percentage often have a high body mass index, which is why a body fat analysis is more informative in such cases.
Nevertheless, a higher BMI can be unhealthy and should therefore be examined more closely.
Obesity according to BMI table
If your value is classified as obese (adiposity, overweight), we advise you to talk to your doctor or a nutritionist. This will help them to analyse the type of excess weight you have (obesity, pre-adiposity, class I obesity, class II obesity or class III obesity). If you have a significantly increased BMI, it is very important for your health to manage your weight – the calculator can be the first step towards a healthy future.
Die ideale BMI Tabelle für Frauen nach Alter
Die ideale BMI Tabelle für Männer nach Alter
BMI value and age
Age is also an important factor. As already briefly mentioned, a slight increase in body fat with age is to be classified as absolutely normal.
This is because the metabolism slows down with age and calorie consumption decreases compared to younger people. However, body weight in kilograms (kg) can also decrease with age because muscle mass is increasingly lost.
The following BMI tables show you the ideal BMI values for women and men, depending on their age. This way, you can more accurately classify your BMI calculation from the calculator.
BMI – where does it come from?
The body mass index, or BMI for short, is one of the best-known, simplest and quickest ways of estimating your weight in relation to your height. Calculating your BMI provides an initial indication of whether you are within the healthy weight range.
It was developed in the early 19th century by the Belgian statistician Adolphe Quetelet to calculate general averages for population groups. The term ‘body mass index’ was coined in the 1970s by the American nutritionist Ancel Keys.
Since the 1980s, the World Health Organization (WHO) has used the body mass index as a guideline for a healthy body weight. The German Nutrition Society and the Austrian Nutrition Society support this.
When is the BMI value not meaningful?
The BMI should only be used as a rough guide to assess whether you are in a healthy nutritional state. The BMI is not very meaningful for the following groups of people:
- Strength, endurance and professional athletes
- Body type is not taken into account.
- Distribution of body fat (abdominal fat, etc.) is not clearly defined.
- Fat mass and water cannot be distinguished.
- Body size is not taken into account.
- Amputations are not taken into account.
Advantages and disadvantages of BMI
The body mass index (BMI calculator) provides no information about the distribution of body fat and does not distinguish between fat mass, water and muscles, which is why it should not be used in relation to age and gender alone. Body type, sporting activities and other individual factors should definitely be taken into account.
For example, a strength athlete could get an increased BMI value due to the muscle mass they have built up. This means that they could be wrongly classified as overweight (obese, obese) by the BMI calculator. Thus, the BMI has only limited significance for some groups of people. For more details, see BMI in strength athletes and bodybuilders.
So our tip for BMI: find your balance. What matters most is a balanced diet and regular exercise and movement, regardless of your weight category. Above all, you should feel good about yourself. We all know that you simply feel better when you exercise regularly.
That's why we make sure that your energetic day starts with a pleasant and healthy gut feeling. We use healthy, carefully selected and sustainable ingredients in our breakfast creations. They are the basis for a healthy lifestyle.
The glycemic index is also interesting at this point. The glycemic index is a measure of the effect of a carbohydrate-containing food on blood sugar levels. The higher the value, the more sugar in the blood. 2 There are also special tables that list the glycemic values of foods, so you can easily assign your foods.
For children, BMI works a little differently. Since the body mass index (BMI) is age- and gender-dependent, BMI reference curves (BMI percentile curves) must be used for children. A weight on the 30th percentile means that 30 percent of children of the same age are lighter than your child.
In addition, it often makes sense to use a measuring tape to measure the waist circumference if the BMI is elevated. This should not be more than 88 centimetres for women and 102 centimetres for men.
You want to lose weight?
If you are unhappy with your weight, or perhaps you are even severely overweight, our tips can help you change your diet. We will explain how you can lose weight and achieve your ideal weight with oats, porridge and muesli. In the blog section, you will find lots of recipes and tips to help you find the right balance in your diet, so you can be successful even if you are severely overweight.
Find out more about healthy and enjoyable weight loss with oats.
- Muesli diet – can muesli really help me lose weight?
- Oats – delicious options for losing weight
- Is porridge a suitable food for losing weight?
- Lose weight and live healthily with oats
- Lose weight with the oat diet
- 5 reasons why you should opt for a warm breakfast when losing weight
We also provide you with our calorie calculator. This allows you to calculate your calorie requirement online, based on your age and height. You get better control over your calorie intake and losing weight and achieving your personal ideal weight is easier.
Do you want to build muscle?
Our healthy porridge mixes, muesli products, granola crunchy muesli and sports breakfast creations are not only delicious, but also the perfect fitness meal. Especially athletes who need a lot of strength can benefit from this natural source of energy.
Find out more about this in our blogs on the topics of sport and healthy breakfasts.
- The ideal breakfast before exercise: porridge
- This is what the perfect sports breakfast looks like
- This is why porridge is the best breakfast before exercise
- Muesli – the perfect breakfast before exercise
- How many carbohydrates does an athlete need?
Verival also offers many delicious muesli varieties for children.
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- Riley L. Body Mass Index (BMI). World Health Organization (WHO). Published 2017. Accessed July 27, 2020. https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/themes/topics/topic-details/GHO/body-mass-index
- 2.Lachner B, Kemmann K. Glykämischer Index. Wikipedia – die freie Enzyklopädie. Published July 16, 2020. Accessed July 27, 2020. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glyk%C3%A4mischer_Index
- 3.FETeV R. Kohlenhydratqualität: Glykämischer Index und Ballaststoff-Index. Fachgesellschaft für Ernährungstherapie und Prävention für Professionalität in der Ernährungsberatung. Published March 24, 2020. Accessed July 27, 2020. https://fet-ev.eu/glykaemischer-index-ballaststoff-index/2/